Thursday, December 2, 2010

Great Geometric Minds

Our Class is starting geometry this week and the students got the chance to use their imaginations and geometric shapes. Here are their masterpieces.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"I Spy" Week 4

I spy with my little eye...

A student who came right in, did his self start, and starting silent reading without even being asked!
A student who is a good friend to others in class.
A student who does a great job at remembering to take RC quizzes on books that he's read.

The student I spy with my little eye is...
Congratulations Nicholas! Thanks for being so great! We love having you in our class!

"I Spy" Week 3

I spy with my little eye...

A student who is a fantastic reader! He's already well on his way to making his RC goal!
A student who is respectful to those around him.
A student who is does a great job staying on task.

The student I spy with my little eye is...


Congratulations Bryant! You're such a great kid! We're lucky to have you in our class!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"I SPY"...

Every Wednesday morning we play a little game called "I Spy". During the week I look for a student who is being a good example, and then on Wednesdays the class gets to try to guess who I spied being good. The "I Spy" student of the day gets to pick out a prize to take home. Today we had two I Spy students.

"I Spy" Student #1

I spy with my little eye ...
-A student who is always on task, I never have to remind her of what she should be doing.
-A student who is kind to others. She always has a smile on her face!
-A student who is an excellent reader and always tries her best.
-A student who is respectful to those around her.

The student I spy with my little eye is...
Congratulations Hailey! We are so lucky to have you in our class!

"I Spy" Student #2
I spy with my little eye...

-A student with a spunky personality who loves to make friends.
- A student with wonderful handwriting. She always takes her time.
-A student who shows respect to those around her

The student I spy with my little eye is...
Congratulations McCartney! We are having so much fun getting to know you!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting to Know Mrs.Younker

Hello third graders! Hello parents!

Can you believe it's time to come back to school already? Summer always seems to come and go so quickly, but I'm so excited for a new school year to start! I have a feeling it's going to be a great year! I can't wait to get to know each and every one of you and I thought maybe you'd like to know a few fun facts about me.
Ten Things You Probably Didn't Know About Mrs. Younker

10. When I was in third grade my favorite books were the Boxcar Children series.
9. My birthday is on a holiday. I'll let you guess which one!

8. If you ever order pizza from Dominos, there's a chance your delivery guy just might be my husband. He's the best delivery guy around! He's also a student at Utah State University.

7. I have 2 girls, Addison and Olivia. Addison is 3 years old, she has a lot of spunk and personality. She sings ALL day long and always keeps us laughing. Olivia is a year and a half old and she is the sweetest, happiest baby I have ever met.
6. I love to bake! Who doesn't love the smell of bread baking in the oven? I especially love to bake yummy treats like cupcakes, cookies, and birthday cakes! Here's the cake I made for Olivia's first birthday. 5. I was in high school musical! Okay... just kidding. I wasn't in THIS High School Musical... but when I was in high school I participated in lots of different musicals. They were tons of fun!

4. I enjoy doing arts and crafts. My favorite things to make are decorations for my house and toys for my kids. Here's a picture of the playhouse I made for my girls last year.
3. I read the 6th Harry Potter book in one day. I loved it so much I literally could not put it down!
2. I have a major weakness when it comes to junk food, and that's OREOS. I love them! I can't help it! They're sooooooo good!
And the number one thing you may not have known about Mrs. Younker is...

1. I have the BEST job in the whole world! I absolutely love being a teacher, and I hope you are as excited as I am for a brand new school year full of endless possibilities!

Now you know a little about me, and I can't wait to get to know more about each of you! See you in school!